Glossary – R

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Refinancing the loan is a process similar to applying for a new loan. The borrower asks for a new loan with favorable interest rates to payout the previous debt. Despite the lower interest rates.

Real Estate Broker

The real estate broker has more raining than a real estate agent. Brokers’ can hire real estate agents and owns brokerage. Unlike the real estate agent broker handles technical aspects of the transaction.


Realtor represents the members of a trade organization National Association of Realtors. Realtor’s responsibilities include the jobs of a real estate agent and a broker. In other words, the realtor will find the best property with a price range suitable for a client’s budget. During the purchase, realtor takes care of offers, paperwork, and negotiations. The realtor’s job is to make sure that the escrow completes smoothly.

Real Estate Agent

The real estate agent is a licensed specialist qualified to trade the realty. Real estate agents offer buyers and sellers pricing guidance for the property. Their job is to guide the client through the ownership transfer process.