Phone: (813) 295-2303 |
Small Jobs Electric’s story begins with Tom Houle.
Tom was born and raised in Boston, Massachusetts. As a young adult, he joined the airforce where he received his electrical training. He was stationed in sunny Florida and he couldn’t believe that it was actually possible to work outside during winter and enjoy it! Eventually, he returned home to Boston with his wife, Maria, and they started their family. Although Tom loved working in the electrical trade, he found the winters very difficult. In addition, his mother-in-law lived in Tampa and Maria was longing to be closer to her. With the distance from family and the beckoning of the warm, tropical breezes of Florida it was time to make a move. In 1984 the Houles packed up their three kids and moved to Tampa. After a couple of years and some bumps in the road, Small Jobs Electric was born.
With the help of his wife, Maria, Tom slowly grew the business. At a very early age, their son Nathaniel decided he was going to be an electrician just like his dad. Tom would take Nathaniel with him on his jobs to meet his customers and teach him the trade. In fact, some of our earliest customers remember meeting TomÂ’s little son, Nathaniel. He would always tell his dad that someday, Small Jobs Electric would do BIG electrical jobs too. Nathaniel, in time, attended Tampa Bay Technical High School where he received further training in the electrical field. After High School, he soon got his Master’s Electrical License and joined the Small Jobs Electric team full time, making the company TRULY family owned and operated.
- Phone: (813) 295-2303Map Address: 5002 W Linebaugh Ave Ste C Tampa, FL 33624
United States