Phone: 346-439-5388 |
If your car isn’t working properly like it used to, or if you can’t find the original key, we can rekey and make new keys at an affordable rate. Houston Locksmiths, TX team, will provide you with repair, replacement, and installation for any locksmith service you need for your car. We can also provide you with transponder key replacement, key fob replacement as well as key programming.
We provide automotive locksmith service for various car brands like Nissan, Mercury, Kia, Mitsubishi, GM, Chrysler, Mazda, Acura, Jeep, Cadillac, and more. All you need to do is give us a call from anywhere in Houston, TX, and our team will be there in no time for you.Our Services:
Transponder key
Key Replacement
Key Fob Replacement
Key Programming
Lock Repair
Duplicate Car Keys
Automotive Locks
Ignition rekey- Phone: 346-439-5388Map Address: 3304 N Shepherd Dr
United States - Yes